Sunday, June 15, 2014

Watching the Tern's World

A few weeks ago Jean pulled our camper over to Anastasia state park to catch the Weezer show at the St. Augustine Amphitheater.  the show was outstanding but I am there for other things also.  Generally I have a few hours of each morning to roam and make pictures. . .

Of Course I attended the sunrise daily festival of light. This time coming near to the green flash.

but after the initial event I wandered over to the nesting bird protection area.

I didn't - and wouldn't go beyond the signs

 But the signs don't matter to the Tern families that get upset when their personal nesting space
 is intruded upon.

This is their turf.  I need to capture a few images and get out of here.

  hearts of a lion and a loud screaming din would confuse predator and passerby alike. 

 Fortunately, I have my little canon ultra-zoom camera that reaches about 600 mm lens power. (20X optical zoom)  The Terns nest in the open sand and are vulnerable.

I watch the little rhythm of activity and follow the birds over to the water where they are hunting for dinner.
The hunter hovers high watching the minnows below
 And dive bombs the shallow water 

 faster than a jet plane
 and splashes down -  hoping to get lucky

 fortunately I brought my lawn chair with me so I sat down and watched the show.

 Their skills are sharp and very evolved

 the setup of their habitat is amazing and productive

 but it wouldn't be possible without the protection area at the State park.

 a big sign up on the beach says NO DOGS.

 I will check back on them someday soon 

 Jean and I really enjoy all there is to do at Anastasia.

 maybe we will retire to St Aug.

Wait and see . .  like beach sand through he hourglass - as the Tern's World.

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